Marie Lister is an artist living and working in Bristol, UK. She gained her BA in Drawing and Print from the University of the West of England (UWE) and her MA in Multidisciplinary Printmaking, also from UWE.
A multi-disciplinary artist, she uses print processes, drawing, performance and 3d making to create her work, allowing her themes to dictate the medium.
Through a lens of nostalgia and surrealism, she explores themes of familial relationships, constructed gender ideologies and more recently, the mythologising of femininity. She is interested in examining the characteristics of mythological female monsters and investigating historical cultural ideologies connected to gender roles and the expectations based upon those binary constructs.
Placing herself within her work, she aims to feel connected to that which is seen as ‘animal’ or abject. As a multi-disciplinary artist, she subverts ideas of femininity, womanhood, beauty, monstrousness – encouraging a sense of accountability, relatability, realisation and hopefully understanding in the viewers consciousness.
Instagram: @listerworld